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transdermal patch中文是什么意思

用"transdermal patch"造句"transdermal patch"怎么读"transdermal patch" in a sentence"transdermal patch"的同义词


  • 透皮贴剂


  • Continuous delivery of rotigotine as transdermal patches could offer similar efficacy to oral pramipexole in patients with fluctuating parkinson ' s disease over 6 months of treatment
    治疗症状波动的帕金森病患者时,持续的给予罗替戈汀透皮贴片贴敷治疗( 6个月以上的治疗)可达到与口服普拉克索治疗相似的疗效。
  • Hit the gym . a study released on tuesday by the american of chest physicians found smokers who combine exercise with nicotine gum or transdermal patches are more likely to quit than those who rely on
  • Hit the gym . a study released on tuesday by the american college of chest physicians found smokers who combine exercise with nicotine gum or transdermal patches are more likely to quit than those who rely on
  • Want to quit smoking ? hit the gym . a study released on tuesday by the american college of chest physicians found smokers who combine exercise with nicotine gum or transdermal patches are more likely to quit than those who rely on
  • A study released on tuesday by the american college of chest physicians found smokers who combine exercise with nicotine gum or transdermal patches are more likely to quit than those who rely on nicotine replacement therapy alone
  • Hit the gym . a study released on tuesday by the american college of chest physicians found smokers who combine exercise with nicotine gum or transdermal patches are more likely to quit than those who rely on nicotine replacement therapy alone
  • Transdermal patches that last up to seven days are now on the market : nicotine to help people stop smoking and estradiol ( estrogen ) to counter the symptoms of menopause or to act as part of a contraceptive [ see “ potent patches ” working knowledge , page 92 ]
    市面上已有可以维持七天之久的皮肤贴片,例如可帮助人们戒菸的尼古丁贴片,以及应付停经症状或是用来避孕的雌性素贴片(见第114页良药妙贴) 。
  • Transdermal patches ( which rely on absorption through the skin ) for nicotine delivery have become a mainstay for smoking cessation programs ; however , they have not been a widely effective delivery mechanism for many drugs because the skin acts as a natural barrier
用"transdermal patch"造句  


  • a medicated adhesive pad placed on the skin for absorption of a time released dose of medication into the bloodstream
    同义词:skin patch,

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